How To Block Access Bank ATM Card If Stolen, Lost or Misplaced

Access Bank ATM Card

If you are an Access Bank ATM user, or Diamond Bank ATM holder, then this post can be helpful to you. It applies to those who have their bank card (credit or debit) stolen, lost or misplaced. The post will show you, how you can easily block the card, so you don’t lose your money.


We all know how painful it is losing your money to a third party via unlawful withdrawal. If you have experienced it before, you will understand what I am talking about. It can happen to anyone at anytime. Losing your hard earn money to someone you don’t know, is not something you pray for or wish your enemy.

This post is putting the power back in your hands to control with happens to your money even after losing your bank card. With wasting your time, simply follow the steps below if you may have accidentally lost your card.

How To Block Access Bank ATM Card

For many backs, users need to dial some USSD code to block their card in the event it get lost or stolen. Access bank does not have that, what the company have, or requires you to do, is to dial or send an SMS message to the under listed number.

  • For lost of your debit card dial 18005548969
  • For lost of your credit card dial 18005583424

Access bank also has some numbers you can reach them with if you need to speak to a customer agent in the event of an emergency. Those numbers include +234 1 27120057, +234 1 280 2500 and +234 1 733 2000. 0700 CALLACCESS (0700 22552 22377).

Access Bank Social Media Contact

The bank is also reachable on social media like Facebook and Twitter. You can use this medium to info them about your stolen, misplaced or lost ATM card. You can do so by Facebook or Twitter.

I hope the post was helpful, if you have any questions or contribution, please use the comment box below.


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