How to Use Teleparty To Watch Movies With Friends

Use Teleparty To Watch Movies With Friends

Netflix Party has been rebranded as Teleparty and just in case you don’t what it is, this is a new way to watch TV with your friends online. The Covid-19 and quarantine period was a very lonely one for many. It prevented friends and loved ones from hanging out or streaming the likes of Netflix, Disney, Hulu and HBO together. Teleparty (formerly Netflix Party) was introduced as a way of enjoying social activities with our friends in the comfort of your home.


While the pandemic prevented social gathering, Teleparty or Netflix Party provided a way for friend and loved ones to enjoy that feel of a date or movie night. It made it possible to still have movie (or show) night while your group is spread out. If you are wondering how this works, then this post is for you. Just follow the steps below.


What Is Teleparty?

Just as we have mentioned before, Teleparty was created as a way for friends and loved ones to enjoy watching TV online. It was originally a Google Chrome browser extension that lets friends synchronously stream Netflix content together and chat while doing it. Now it has evolved and gone beyond that as it now works with Disney+, Hulu, and HBO (not HBO Max). The service provides you and your whole crew an opportunity to enjoy a virtual movie date together.

Install Teleparty

How To Host or Use a Teleparty:

  • Start by downloading the Chrome extension from HERE.
  • Next, is to open your preferred streaming platform and play a video.
  • You will notice that the TP icon by your address bar has changed from gray to red. Click on it.
  • After clicking on it, a pop-up window will instruct you to “Create a Teleparty.”
  • Click “Start the party.”
  • Your link will appear in the next window. By clicking the “Copy URL” button, you can then paste the link into an email or messenger app to share it with your friends.

Note: Just in case you need this link again, you can access it by clicking the Teleparty extension icon.)

How To Join An Existing Teleparty?

Joining a Teleparty is pretty simple all you need to do, is

  • Download the Teleparty Chrome extension from the link above on your browser
  • Request a host to send you an invitation link, go to that link sent to you and click on it.
  • Next, you need to lick on the Teleparty icon.
  • After that, you and your friends can start Telepartying together.


If you are wondering if the service is safe, it is important to note that Teleparty currently has over 10,000,000 users. The service uses an end to end encryption, and it doesn’t store your Netflix account details or password. For more details, visit HERE.


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